Reading Really Can Be Fun

So, my last dog was trained with Positive Reinforcement and I’m a big fan of the methods. I know it’s the way I want to train Mack, so I went to Barnes and Noble and picked up Pat Miller’s book “The Power of Positive Dog Training”. 

Its been a good read so far, you should pick it up, and a good opportunity to catch up on the basics again. Then I read a portion of text and my mind went to the gutter…

“When she is comfortable touching the tip, gradually slide the stick down so the tip gets longer and longer, with many touch repetitions along the way, until she no longer feels threatened by it.”

When I read this part to my wife, she thought I was reading from “50 Shades of Grey”. It was a completely innocent sentence in the context of the book, but for some reason, my mind read it like a middle school boy.

Just a small dose of my humor since I don’t have an update on Mack’s 1 month Birthday. More updates coming soon…

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